Pricing is the source of endless discussions in many companies because it is impossible to know for sure if you got it right. There is no one-size...
How to find the best pricing for your SaaS product.
A simple solution to problems caused by Airbnb.
I have been an Airbnb customer since 2012 and love the platform. Airbnb has allowed many to have great experiences that would not have been possible...
Seven ideas for lead generation.
You have everything in place that makes your business attractive for prospective clients: a great product, happy customers and expertise in your...
Online advertising – sometimes it makes sense to pay more.
Ad platforms report on many metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), number of impressions, conversion rate etc. When analysing the results of...
User acquisition.
It is important to have a solid strategy for user acquisition. If you do not actively pursue new users chances are that, a few months after...
How I learned to code.
My first job after university was in software. More than ten years later I was still working in the same industry, but I had never learnt to code. I...
A sales strategy that prevents churn.
Life is about adding value, sales is doing that in a concentrated way. The goal of a sales person, and we all are but I will leave that for another...