In The Netherlands people live by their diaries. When you invite a Dutch friend for a coffee in an hour they will probably have something else...
Should you do a blogging challenge?
This post completes my blogging challenge. The usual subject of the final article in a such a series is “what I learnt”. My goal with this blog has...
Branding & Kindness.
Some marketers think they can create campaigns so that the consumer will think about a brand in a certain way. But it does not matter what you say...
Exceeding expectations could be a bad idea.
Many companies include “we will exceed your expectations!” or something similar in their marketing material. This is a dangerous statement, because...
Bad posts.
Just before you publish your work launch stress kicks in. “What if we launch before having x and the national tax agency sues us?”, “We should wait...
How I learned to code.
My first job after university was in software. More than ten years later I was still working in the same industry, but I had never learnt to code. I...
A valuable skill.
From the age of 15 I had a side job as a re-stocker in a supermarket. I still remember how nervous I was when I tried to get that job. I had to go to...
Burn your fingers.
It takes insight and courage to learn from mistakes. Insight to become aware, courage to admit to yourself that you made a mistake and may have been...
Ten week blogging challenge – only 49 more posts to go.
For the next ten weeks I will publish a post every working-day. That makes a total of 50 posts. Quite a lot, so I expect that it will be challenging...